One of the best skies in the world
This area of the Rio Hurtado Valley is one of the place in the world to install telescope for high resolution.
There is three observatories in the same area for hosting telescope and also close to professionnal observatories like the Cerro Tololo, Cerro Pachon with the Gamini South, the Vera Rubin with the largest camera in the world. We do not have any light pollution in our valley.
1720 m - 5650 ft
The observatory is located at an altitude of 1720m (5650 feet) above see level.
In this area of the Rio Hurtado Valley, the sky offers more than 320 clear nights per year.
< 1''
The average seeing conditions are often under one arcs second all night long
You are interrested to install your setup under the clearest sky of the world, The Southern Deep Sky Observatory offers you thoses services. All of thoses services are incuded in the price.
Your telescope is located in a shared observatory with rolling roof shelter.
We provide a bandwith of 180Mb dowload and 30Mb upload for each telescope.
Guard and technician living on site 24h/24h 7 days a week all year long.
Your equipment will be received, install and setup carefully by our technician.
Elecricity in 1200W in peak from solar panels and generator in case of failure
There is only one private road to access to the observatory.
We propose to adjust the polar alignment, the collimation and cleaning the optics.
Online informations from weather station, all-sky camera, indoors and outdoor camera.
We have agreements with some dealer to provide directly equipment to the observatory
The prices depends of the telescope size because the biggest one stay's in a private observatory.

If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us by mail : info@tsdso.com or by phone to Xavier +33(0)